Aronov lab publications
[preprint] Payne HL and Aronov D. (2024) Remote activation of place codes by gaze in a highly visual animal. bioRxiv 2024.09.30.615982.
Fang C*, Lindsey J*, Abbott LF, Aronov D, Chettih SN. (2025) Barcode activity in a recurrent network model of the hippocampus enables efficient memory binding. eLife 14:RP103512.
Chettih SN*, Mackevicius EL*, Hale S, Aronov D. (2024) Barcoding of episodic memories in the hippocampus of a food-caching bird. Cell 187(8): 1922-35.
Applegate MC, Gutnichenko KS, Aronov D. (2023) Topography of inputs into the hippocampal formation of a food-caching bird. J Comparative Neurology 2023 Aug 8; 1-20.
Applegate MC, Gutnichenko KS, Mackevicius EL, Aronov D. (2023) An entorhinal-like region in food-caching birds. Current Biology 33(12): 2465-77.e7.
Fang C, Aronov D, Abbott LF, Mackevicius EL. (2023) Neural learning rules for generating flexible predictions and computing the successor representation. eLife 12:e80680.
Applegate MC and Aronov D. (2022) Flexible use of memory by food-caching birds. eLife 11:e70600.
Payne HL, Lynch GF, Aronov D. (2021) Neural representations of space in the hippocampus of a food-caching bird. Science 373(6552): 343-8.
Dunn TW, Marshall JD, Severson KS, Aldarondo DE, Hildebrand DGC, Chettih SN, Wang WL, Gellis AJ, Carlson DE, Aronov D, Freiwald WA, Wang F, Ölveczky BP. (2021) Geometric deep learning enables 3D kinematic profiling across species and environments. Nature Methods 18(5): 564-573.
Invited articles
Wegner E, Hale S, Chettih SN, Aronov D. (2022) Hypovitaminosis A and dietary correction in wild-caught birds. LAS Pro 2022 Jul/Aug: 20-22.
Aronov D. (2021) Disordered grids in the third dimension. Nature Neurosci 24(11): 1504-05.
Older papers
Kinkhabwala AA, Gu Y, Aronov D, Tank DW. (2020) Visual cue-related activity of cells in the medial entorhinal cortex during navigation in virtual reality. eLife 9:e43140.
[preprint] Low RJ, Lewallen S, Aronov D, Nevers R, Tank DW. (2018) Probing variability in a cognitive map using manifold inference from neural dynamics. bioRxiv 418939.
Danish H, Aronov D, Fee MS. (2017) Rhythmic syllable-related activity in a songbird motor thalamic nucleus necessary for learned vocalizations. PLoS One 12(6): e0169568.
Aronov D, Nevers R, Tank DW. (2017) Mapping of a non-spatial dimension by the hippocampal-entorhinal circuit. Nature 543(7647): 719-722.
Aronov D and Tank DW. (2014) Engagement of the neural circuits underlying 2D spatial navigation in a rodent virtual reality system. Neuron 84(2): 442-56.
Aronov D and Fee MS. (2012) Natural changes in brain temperature underlie variations in song tempo during a mating behavior. PLoS One 7(10): e47856.
Aronov D, Veit L, Goldberg JH, Fee MS. (2011) Two distinct modes of forebrain circuit dynamics underlie temporal patterning in the vocalizations of young songbirds. J Neuroscience 31(45): 16353-68.
Veit L, Aronov D, Fee MS. (2011) Learning to breathe and sing: development of respiratory-vocal coordination in young songbirds. J Neurophysiology 106(4): 1747-65.
Ölveczky B, Otchy T, Goldberg JH, Aronov D, Fee MS. (2011) Changes in the neural control of a complex motor sequence during learning. J Neurophysiology 197(1): 32-47.
Aronov D and Fee MS. (2011) Analyzing the dynamics of brain circuits with temperature: design and implementation of a miniature thermoelectric device. J Neuroscience Methods 197(1): 32-47.
Aronov D, Andalman AS, Fee MS. (2008) A specialized forebrain circuit for vocal babbling in the juvenile songbird. Science 320(5876): 630-4.
Crepel V, Aronov D, Represa A, Ben-Ari Y, Cossart R. (2007) A parturition-associated nonsynaptic coherent activity pattern in the developing hippocampus. Neuron 54(1): 105-20.
Aronov D and Victor JD. (2004) Non-Euclidean properties of spike train metric spaces. Physical Review E 69(6 Pt 1): 061905.
Ikegaya Y, Aaron G, Cossart R, Aronov D, Lampl I, Ferster D, Yuste R. (2004) Synfire chains and cortical songs: elastic temporal modules of cortical activity. Science 304(5670): 559-64.
Goldberg JH, Tamas G, Aronov D, Yuste R. (2003) Calcium microdomains in aspiny dendrites. Neuron 40(4): 807-21.
Aronov D, Reich DS, Mechler F, Victor JD. (2003) Neural coding of spatial phase in V1 of the macaque monkey. J Neurophysiology 89(6): 3304-27.
Cossart R, Aronov D, Yuste R. (2003) Attractor dynamics of network UP states in the neocortex. Nature 423(6937): 283-8.
Aronov D. (2003) Fast algorithm for the metric-space analysis of simultaneous responses of multiple single neurons. J Neuroscience Methods 124(2): 175-9.
Mao BQ, Hamzei-Sichani F, Aronov D, Froemke RC, Yuste R. (2001) Dynamics of spontaneous activity in neocortical slices. Neuron 32(5): 883-98.